The UN adopted a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

The World·28 October, 2023

The UN adopted a resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Jordan's resolution demanding an immediate ceasefire was opposed by the United States, Israel and several Eastern European countries

The UN General Assembly rejected a resolution condemning the "terrorist activities" of Hamas, which was proposed by Canada. At the same time, Jordan's project aimed at ending the conflict was approved.

At the UN General Assembly on Saturday night, various draft resolutions on the situation in the Middle East were considered. The project proposed by Canada was the first to be voted on. He assumed condemnation of the "terrorist activities of Hamas." As a result, the document did not gain a majority of votes. The USA, Canada, Israel, EU countries voted in favor, Russia, China and most Muslim countries voted against.

Next came a vote on the Jordanian draft, which called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and truce. It was supported by 120 countries, including Russia, China, Brazil. The representative of India abstained, as did the delegates from Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, and Ukraine. 14 countries opposed, including the USA, Israel, Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary.

The material is being supplemented.

Source:  rbc

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