Candles were lit in Tel Aviv in memory of those killed by Hamas attacks. Video

The World·14 October, 2023

Candles were lit in Tel Aviv in memory of those killed by Hamas attacks. Video

There were shots from a candlelight rally in memory of 1.3 thousand dead in Israel

Residents of Tel Aviv held a rally in memory of the Israelis who died as a result of the war with the militants of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, which began a week ago, on October 7. 1.3 thousand candles were lit around the fountain on Dizengoff Square, which coincides with the number of Israeli citizens killed, The Times of Israel writes. The action was called "Vigil of 1300 candles", it was held by the local organization "Youth of Light". Among the dead are 16 Russian citizens. 3,484 people were injured as a result of Hamas attacks, according to the latest data from the Israeli Ministry of Health, cited by The Jerusalem Post.


Source:  rbc

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