Peskov rejected Putin and Kim's discussion of the inevitability of nuclear war

Russia·13 September, 2023

Peskov rejected Putin and Kim's discussion of the inevitability of nuclear war

Peskov Putin and Kim Jong-un did not discuss the inevitability of nuclear war

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his North Korean counterpart Kim Jong-un did not discuss North Korea's statements about the risks of nuclear war, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in the program "60 minutes" on the TV channel "Russia 1".

Putin and Kim Jong-un held talks on September 13 at the Vostochny Cosmodrome. At first, there was an hour and a half meeting in the expanded composition of the two delegations, after which the leaders communicated one-on-one.

Presenter Yevgeny Popov asked the press secretary whether the DPRK's statements about the inevitability of nuclear war were discussed at the meeting. "No, it was not discussed in any way," Peskov replied.

The DPRK has repeatedly stated about the threat of nuclear war and its readiness for it. The last time this happened was during the joint exercises of the United States and South Korea. Then Pyongyang accused Washington of escalating tensions in the region. According to Kim Jong-un, "such belligerent actions by the United States are pushing military tensions on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia <...> closer to the threshold of nuclear war."

The Russian side has repeatedly confirmed the principle of the inadmissibility of nuclear war. After the start of the military operation, Putin stated that the threat of nuclear war was increasing, but Moscow was not ready to use nuclear weapons first.

"We proceed from the fact that there can be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be unleashed, and we stand for equal and indivisible security for all members of the world community," the president said.


Source:  rbc

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