Hamas was surprised by the US aircraft carriers that came to Israel

The World·28 October, 2023

Hamas was surprised by the US aircraft carriers that came to Israel

Hamas was surprised by the US reaction to the conflict with Israel

Sending US military and ships to the shores of Israel was unexpected for Hamas. They were preparing only for a response from the Israeli military, a representative of the movement said
The Palestinian Hamas movement was surprised by the US reaction to the escalation of the conflict in the Gaza Strip. This was reported to The Financial Times by Ali Barakeh, a senior member of the political leadership of Hamas.

According to him, the movement was waiting for Israel's response to the Hamas attack. "But what we are seeing now is the entry of the United States into the battle, and we did not count on this," Barake said.

The Hamas representative's comment was made against the background of the intensification of the conflict in the region. On the evening of October 27, Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari announced that Israel was expanding the scope of ground troops in the Gaza Strip. Later, Israel Defense Forces spokesman Peter Lerner clarified that Israel's actions today do not imply a full-scale invasion. The expansion of the operation means further preparation for the ground stage of the operation, Israeli Ambassador to France Rafael Morav explained in an interview with Europe 1.

At the same time, on the evening of October 27, Arab media reported about Israeli tanks in the north of the Gaza Strip, and the Hamas movement reported that fighting was taking place in the north of the region.

Against the background of the outbreak of Israel's war with the Hamas movement, the United States began to build up military forces in the region. In early October, the US aircraft carrier Gerald Ford arrived in the eastern Mediterranean with escort ships. Later, another aircraft carrier, the Dwight Eisenhower, was sent to the region.

The US military also sent a marine rapid reaction force to the shores of Israel. According to CNN, it was about sending 2 thousand marines.

The rapid reaction forces of the US Marine Corps are heading to the shores of Israel, where two American aircraft carriers were previously sent, sources tell CNN, The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. As CNN clarifies with reference to a representative of the US Department of Defense, we are talking about 2 thousand marines. The Central Command of the US Armed Forces called the sending of the military a "powerful deterrent signal" for those forces that are hostile to the US.

Source:  rbc

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