Rosleskhoz warned about criminal liability

The World·27 August, 2023

Alexander Panfilov, deputy head of the Federal Forestry Agency, told RT how illegal logging is being fought in Russia and what consequences the so-called black loggers may face.

According to Panfilov, the fight against illegal logging of forest plantations in Russia is conducted systematically and progressively. Previously, black loggers could cut down trees and stay in the shade, but today they do not have such an opportunity.

"We can track the entire path of wood — from the plot to processing and further export — in real time on the LesEGAIS portal. If there is no corresponding permit document for logging (a lease agreement for a forest plot or a contract of sale) or transportation of wood (an electronic accompanying document), then it will not work without a fine," explained the deputy head of the Federal Forestry Agency.

In the fight against illegal harvesting, the Federal Forestry Agency uses not only traditional methods of patrolling and a well-established system of electronic accompanying documents, Panfilov said. Today, the agency also applies modern methods: from satellite images for remote sensing of the earth to the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

"This helps both in identifying illegal logging sites and in detecting illegal timber transportation. Amendments to legislation are being prepared that will allow the full use of modern technologies in countering illegal logging," the source added to RT.

For a felled tree, you can incur criminal or administrative responsibility. The amount of the fine directly depends on the amount of forest plantations cut down.

"When proving the fact of illegal logging, the culprit is obliged to compensate for the damage caused to the forests. In 2022, regional forest departments sent 9.6 thousand materials to law enforcement agencies on the facts of illegal felling of trees that caused damage to forests in the amount of 12 billion rubles. More than 7.3 thousand criminal cases were initiated, more than 2.2 thousand people were brought to criminal responsibility," Panfilov summed up.


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